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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area SCHOOLS, Classes, Teams, Bands, and Clubs Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > 1967 - 1968 - the Lucians Club at Miami High School
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1967 - 1968 Courtesy of Gay Guyer Crownover

1967 - 1968 - the Lucians Club at Miami High School

Miami Senior High School, Miami, Florida view map

Thank you to Gay Guyer Crownover for contributing this great old image. Gay was the president of the club and is pictured at the top. Click on "original" below to see the largest version of the image.

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Don Boyd05-Aug-2008 00:41
Les, I agree that they're gorgeous but I hope you know that you are now in deep doo-doo with the ladies from Gables. : )

Les Clements 05-Aug-2008 00:03
WOW if I knew there were so many great looking girls at Miami High I would have transfered from Gables!!
Linda12-Jul-2008 04:27
I was in Lucians and in this composite. If anyone knows me, please email me at Would love to hear from old elementary through high school friends. Linda High Thompson
Rosie Hidalgo (Jocoy) 30-Jun-2008 21:34
Wow, it has been a long time! I also was a Lucian along with my brother Rusty. I would love to hear from any of our sister's & brother's. Where are you & how's it going?
robyn27-May-2008 05:33
I recognize Marion Stefanski in this picture. I lost touch with her in the early 70s and would love to know where she is now. She married Jim Palmer 2 weeks before I married. We were in each others weddings. If anyone has any idea how I can contact her please email me
Guest 03-Apr-2008 07:14
Wow, I wonder if anybody on this composite photo has seen it and what happened to you. I went to elementary and junior high with ten of these people. Richard Reinhardt