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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> MIAMI SPRINGS and VIRGINIA GARDENS Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > 1960 - Miami Springs, featuring the Vagabond Acres neighborhood
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1960 Courtesy of Gar Schloetzer

1960 - Miami Springs, featuring the Vagabond Acres neighborhood

Miami Springs, Florida

Thank you to George "Gar" Schloetzer for contributing this image. The image is look due south and features the Vagabond Acres neighborhood with several homes named in the text. The Miami Springs Golf Course is visible in the middle and on the left, Blessed Trinity Catholic School and church beyond the golf course, Virginia Gardens beyond Blessed Trinity to the east of Curtiss Parkway and south of 36th Street, and the north part of Miami International Airport at the top.

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Randy Mcgee 15-Jun-2009 04:39
My family home is shown in the upper left of the photo on the corner of Curtiss Pkwy and Huntinglodge Dr. My dad built it in 1953.
Guest 27-May-2008 05:49
Vagabond Acres....Schloetzer's?
Guest 06-Mar-2008 09:19
Is there any chance that somebody might have an arial shot a little further west
featuring the other end of Hunting Lodge?
This is an incredible shot of the area.
Does anybody remember the home of Dr.Rentz on Hunting Lodge?
Mike Wilson 09-Feb-2008 21:40
Actually the house marked as Wayne Ziegler's house was Dennis and Mike Wilson's house. The house to the right was Doug Orr's house.