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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> DOWNTOWN Miami, Bayfront Park and Port of Miami Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > 1962 - Aerial view of downtown Miami looking NNW
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1962 - Aerial view of downtown Miami looking NNW

Downtown Miami, FL

This image depicts I-95 ending at NW 29th Street (upper middle). It was not extended just west of downtown to US1 south of downtown until the late 60's. The main public library is in Bayfront Park along with the Bayfront Park Bandshell.

I took my first swimming lessons in the early 50's at the apartment houses on the south side of the Miami River just east of Brickell Avenue (lower left).

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Michael Renne 16-Feb-2015 21:06
I lived in the apts in the lower left hand corner next to the Brickle Bridge in the late 50's nd worked downtown in the Ingraham Bg
Guest 01-Jul-2009 03:12
The Miami Circle is actually not a burial ground. It was likely a ceremonial structure or possibly the habitation for a religious or political figure.The whole shoreline of the Miami river is covered in post holes carved out of the limestone by Native peoples over the last few thousand years. Most of these post holes are probably related to old docks or fishing piers or random home sights. Others like the Miami Circle and similar structures across the river have a more orderly systematic layout that suggests a high degree of "Urban planning" was involved with the way the structures were laid out. Oh and one of the septic tanks from those rectangular apartments did land smack dab in the middle of the post hole pattern of the Miami circle but the circle is well over 2,000 years older than these structures. Burials were/are present on the Southside of the River but not right near the shore where people lived. That also applies to the North side of the river where burials were found away from the main village site.
Guest 03-May-2008 14:01
The indian burial site is called "The Miami Circle" and it is located where those low lying buildings are across the Miami River and Dupont Plaza (no longer there). I loved the library, too, and spent many hours reading books. I loved to wander the gardens and attends shows at the Bayfront band shell. I think my love of travel began watching a travelogue movie in the shell when I was a small child. It's sad that most everything but the Indian burial site are long gone -- Miami's history that didn't/doesn't mean anything to most people living in Miami now. Heck, there's even a Hispanic name added to Flagler Street. What an insult to Miami's founding father.
Ray25-Apr-2008 02:27
See the 6 buildings at the very bottom at the mouth of the Miami River? Where Don took his swimming lessons? Isn't that where the found the ancient Indian burial thing? A part of me wonders if a team of crack archaeologists are studying a 1950s septic tank.
Guest 19-Mar-2008 06:35
My God, how Miami has changed. You can see the old Library in Bayfront Park, my grandfather, George D. Mathis, was a libarian there. He also use to drive trolly cars in old Miami and later went to buses before working at the Libary. Miami, looks nothing like tis today. Dave Helmick Jr.
Don Boyd20-Feb-2008 16:35
Roy, the photo of the ship and aquarium is in the 40's Gallery, specifically at:

Roy Burns 20-Feb-2008 15:33
Does anyone remember the big Ship at the north end of Bayfront Park? It had an Aquarium in it. It supposedly was washed up during a hurricane. My Mother worked at the Everglades Hotel as a Maid and seamstress during the 50's. My brother and I used to skip school and spend the day roaming the Park and the Movies on Flagler St. We really liked Jahn the Magic Man and the Arcade just south of it. We really missed the Olympia Theater when it was razed.
Roy Burns
claudio 18-Nov-2007 09:53
It makes laugh!!!
You can count the buildings with the fingers of your hand!!!
You should see it now, there are more buildings than people to occupy them!
november 2007
Guest 21-Jun-2007 22:25
in the bottom left is the brickle bridge we would decorate our bike and ride them in the easter day parade over the bridge down passed where the dupont plaza would built and on to biscayne blvd they were judge and a prize was given around 1953
does anyone have pics or of the huge johnny walker walking figure billboard that was on biscayne near the sinclair service station