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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area SCHOOLS, Classes, Teams, Bands, and Clubs Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > 1938-1939 - Gulliver School class photo
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1938-1939 Courtesy of Phil Crandon

1938-1939 - Gulliver School class photo

Coconut Grove, Florida

Thank you to Phil Crandon (front row on the left side) for contributing this great old image of his class at Gulliver School in 1938-1939. Phil says that Tony Gulliver is 3rd to the right of him, Fred Watts (family lived in the Gables bordering the Biltmore Golf Course) is standing in the rear on the left end, and the three boys in the front of the teachers are the Brigham brothers, Ed, Toby and Dana. Phil live in the Gables and his father was an attorney. Phil doesn't remember exactly where the school was in Coconut Grove but that it was in a residential area and not downtown. He says that his dad came to Miami in 1917. Phil was born in 1933 at Victoria Hospital and he lived a few blocks north of the corner of Red Road and Bird Road and that there was only a stop sign there when he was young. He says his home is now replaced by a gated development. Thank you again, Phil!

All I can say is what a treasure it is to view each student and teacher and wonder how their lives turned out. If anyone can identify themselves or their parents in this photo please feel free to say so by providing a name, row and position from the left side in the comments section below and I will add their names and where they are in this description section.

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George Barrios 24-Jul-2018 20:48
I've a letter (envelope) addressed to Hde B. Justison Wassau New York. He is adressed as "Dear Nobbie" and the author, "Your old Chum Hal". Dated August 10, 1904 and "Hal" was an officer or crew on the C.G.C. Samar, Manila. I'm hoping a descendant of either family will contact me.
I tried to donate the letter to historical societies and museums in Miami and the Grove but alas, neither city was mentioned in the letter.

George Barrios