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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> Miami Area HOTELS and MOTELS Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > 1960's - beach dancing at the Castaways Hotel, Sunny Isles
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1960's From a postcard

1960's - beach dancing at the Castaways Hotel, Sunny Isles

Sunny Isles, Dade County, Florida

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Mark 31-Dec-2016 04:55
Yes, songs help me remember! Back in late summer 1975 ( I was 13) a twenty something young female friend of our family used to be a barmaid at the Castaways-I recall the bar was on the beach side of the street and David Bowie's Fame song was big at the time. Me & my friend Chris used get to dropped off by my parents on odd Saturdays and "hang out" near the bar & play the jukebox (esp. Fame) and get free sodas from our lady friend. Was I think 25 cents a song. No one hassled us even though we were underage. I remember the Castaways was big and covered both sides of A1A and had Gilligans Island looking thatch roofs/walls on some of the buildings. A real trip! By the time we were old enough to legally drink I think it was half torn down, used to hear that buildings were "going condo". The mid/late 70's, sigh.
Simon 16-Oct-2016 01:28
My parents spent their honeymoon at the Castaways in 1955! Somewhere there's an old Black and white photo of their now ancient looking room. When I was an infant (1957) we stayed there. I don't remember I was less than a year old. We have old 8 mm. movies. Hopefully my parents and grandparents are enjoying old Miami Beach and the Rascal House in heaven.
Joy 09-Jul-2010 03:50
WOW- I could be in this photo - LOL. They had a juke box and it was the first time I heard Neil Diamond singing Solitary Man. I went on to become a huge fan and actually became friendly with his Mom and family. My Dad, Grandmother and Aunt all were customers of the Diamond's store in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn. Long stories - but such great memories of the Castaways.
denise boyle 16-Nov-2009 16:23
I was only nine yrs.old but when my dad brought us there it was fun for all. After a day on Happy's boat outside Cranden Park Zoo on one of those many shallow islands , The Castaways was just the iceing on the cake.
Guest 18-Jun-2009 23:38
yes I grew up with the castaways hotel.. lived nearby.. the late 50s or early 60's I remember going there every weekend. My family knew the management team there so we went quite often. I learned to swim, dive, water ballet,, etc.. I remember the pool had two or maybe even three diving boards.. do you have any more pics? I remember the dances.. I learned the cha cha and we also had limbo nights.... fun
Mike 13-May-2009 16:02
My mom & dad spent their honeymoon (Nov 1960) at the Castaways! I remember they had pictures of themselves in front of all the neat hotel signs (the Sahara's camels, one with a prospector and a mule out front). About nine years later they took me with them to visit, our first real family vacation. We stayed at some motel on the ocean in Hollywood and visited all the hotels again along with the other tourist spots (Monkey Jungle, Parrot Jungle, Seaquarium, Lion Country Safari, Serpentarium, wax museum). It would be great to see some old photos of those attractions.