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Don Boyd | all galleries >> Memories of Old Hialeah, Old Miami and Old South Florida Photo Galleries - largest non-Facebook collection on the internet >> DOWNTOWN Miami, Bayfront Park and Port of Miami Historical Photos Gallery - All Years - click on image to view > 1959 - Flagler Street downtown bustling at night with shoppers and movie-goers
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1959 From a postcard

1959 - Flagler Street downtown bustling at night with shoppers and movie-goers

Flagler Street, downtown Miami, Florida

I remember going downtown at night with my folks to shop or to see a first-run movie in the mid to late 50's, even traveling from Hialeah to do so in the late 50's. Then suburban shopping centers (163rd, Northside, Palm Springs, Dadeland) opened and downtown lost most of their business and it has never been the same since.

Pictures on the left: Kress, F. W. Woolworth's, Lerner Shops and Burdine's. On the right: Cannon, McCrory's and Grant's.

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Alb 05-Nov-2009 01:08
You may be reminiscing about the old Olympia theatre that later became Gusman. There were niches with statues in them. From another Sting - '63.
Ben Godwin 30-Aug-2009 17:26

This postcard is of a WONDERFUL by-gone era. At least we have wonderful memories to reflect on. I remember the Paramount Theater but we often went to the theater (name I don't remember) that was on Flagler and, inside the auditorium, the ceiling was domed and illuminated with small teardrop lights. It made you feel like you were sitting under the stars and was considered a Miami landmark.

And speaking of historical landmarks, I read one of your other blog posts that mentioned you attended MHS. All I can say is GO STINGS (Class of '64)
Rachelle S. F. 11-Feb-2009 08:16
Shopped at all those stores in the late 50's to 1960. Took the city bus no. 11 downtown by myself or with a friend and spent the day. My girlfriends mom worked at the Paramount theater and we would ride home with her after work.