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Dave | profile | all galleries >> Infrared Images (Canon 300D Unmodified) >> Infrared Conversion / Work Flow tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Infrared Conversion / Work Flow

Feb-2006:  For a long time, I have been planning on putting together a Work Flow to share my method for post-processing.  When I have time, I will be making updates to this gallery.  A small handful of people have expressed some interest, so I hope that I can share this information with many more.  The workflow below is a combination of things I have learned from others (too many to mention) and my own experience.  Comments / feedback are welcome;  I would love to hear your thoughts...

You can visit some of my 300D IR images here:
Also, please check out: for a link to a self modified P&S camera project.
In case it is not obvious, each image will have some descriptions/instructions below it, so you may need to scroll down to read everything.
*** The basic assumption is that you already know how to use Photoshop and understand how to use your camera in Manual mode. ***

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Canon 300D with 50mm f/1.8 Lens and Hoya R72 IR Filter Starting Point – Unprocessed Image IR — Step 0 IR — Step 1: Noise Reduction
IR — Step 2: Auto Levels IR — Step 3: Channel Swap (Red/Blue) IR — Step 4: Clip Black & White Points IR — Step 5: Adjust Hue and Saturation
IR — Step 6: Optional Adjust Hue and Saturation IR — Final Image: Resize and Sharpen Final Version — Framed Alternatives... Ethreal Glow Filter Added
Alternatives... Ethereal Glow Framed on Canvas Alternatives... Red Sky! Alternatives... Black & White 50mm f1.8 Lens & Hoya R72 IR Filter
Hoya R72 IR Filter