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Dave Wixx | all galleries >> Dave Wixx Snapography >> This And That >> 2006 Photo A Day >> PAD September 2006 > 29th September 2006 ALT
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29th September 2006 ALT

One of my favourite spots on the way to work via Daniels Park. Not a bad sight to have to endure, and there's only more snow coming!!!


Nikon D70s
1/500s f/10.0 at 70.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 01-Oct-2006 00:51
it's sinking!
AL30-Sep-2006 13:00
Oh wow, I'm with Jen, another vote for your creation! Most curious to know your secret too :-)
Jen Bixler29-Sep-2006 12:20
How did you do that! You added a lake!
~V~ for talent.
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