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Memorial to Anita Stanhope (1950-2009)

Anita Stanhope (1950-2009)

Anita passed away December 9, 2009.

We invite you to share items of art in tribute to Anita, our friend and fellow artist.
She will always be in our hearts.

In Anita's own words from her Facebook page:
I love painting portraits, especially kids.
I use watercolor, oils, pastels, and more but right now am very into digital art.
I have 4 dogs.
I have a grown son in Georgia.
I like to ride my bike and take photos with this great weather.
Religion: Christian - Baptist.
Interests: art, painting, digital art, photography, piano, reading and writing, my Papillon and Chihuahua dogs (and their offspring) archaeology, and history

Anita's own website which inspires digital artists: and

Anita  Stanhope 2009
Anita Stanhope 2009
Blue Boat
Blue Boat
Lily and the Candle
Lily and the Candle
Kathy & Jake
Kathy & Jake
Taylor by Anita
Taylor by Anita
Moonwatcher by Anita Stanhope
Moonwatcher by Anita Stanhope
Wildflowers and Bamboo by Anita - September, 2006
Wildflowers and Bamboo by Anita - September, 2006
Almost Home
Almost Home
The Girl in the Woods
The Girl in the Woods
Giraffe by Anita Stanhope
Giraffe by Anita Stanhope
Sunset Sailor 's Boat
Sunset Sailor 's Boat
Water Color
Water Color
Boy in Seersucker
Boy in Seersucker
The New Kitten
The New Kitten
Little Boy
Little Boy
Scary Stories
Scary Stories
Old Man and the Sea
Old Man and the Sea
Three Grandaughters
Three Grandaughters