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Dan Hillsman | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent tree view | thumbnails
These are galleries which represent some of my interests. Since childhood I have been interested in nature. Some of my most intense interest is in Birds (birdwatching and falconry) and Insects (lepidoptera and choleoptera). My digital cameras are Nikon D-200, Nikon D-70, and Nikon Coolpix 990. Lenses I am currently using are 80-400 F/4.5-5.6 VR Zoom Nikkor, Nikkor 300 F4.0 IF/AF, 105mm Micro Nikkor AF F2.8, Nikkor 35-135mm AF zoom, Nikkor 20mm F/2.8 AF wide angle, and Soligor 600mm F8. My external light is a Nikon SB600. I also use a Canon 5D MKII with a 400mm F/5.6 lens.
:: Falconry ::
North American Birds
:: North American Birds ::
Asian Birds
:: Asian Birds ::
Birds from Europe
:: Birds from Europe ::
North American Butterflies and Moths
:: North American Butterflies and Moths ::
Texas Nature
:: Texas Nature ::
Mexico 2004
:: Mexico 2004 ::
Vacations and Travel
:: Vacations and Travel ::
Germany and Czech Republic 2007
:: Germany and Czech Republic 2007 ::
Favorite Pictures
:: Favorite Pictures ::