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Denny Walldén | all galleries >> Galleries >> Black and white > _MG_3549.jpg
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Canon EOS 5D Mark II ,Canon EF 135mm f/2L USM
1/2000s f/2.0 at 135.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Till Bitterli 08-Oct-2011 16:34
This is such a good photo! I love how the horses wild movement is captured and how the trees "blow up" in a nice bokeh! The slight noise in the darker areas simply adds to the b/w classiness of the picture.
I also like how the light fractures over the tree tops due to the wide opened Lens! All in all this should be made a poster ;-)

Really, I've looked at the entire album - many good shots! - but this one amazes me.

- One question though because I am thinking of getting another lens: what do you prefer 135/f2 or 85/f1.8?
I use the Mk III and I love to do b/w pics. That is why I am looking for a longer lens than my 50/1.4 that I could use in addition at concerts where there is very low light.
Guest 25-Apr-2011 08:46
Nice shot!
Pieter Bos27-Feb-2011 09:16
Great image! ~V
Chris Sofopoulos19-Dec-2009 19:34
Amazing photo in every aspect!
Many bravo! v
Eric Herbelin19-Dec-2009 19:21
very good my friend! V
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