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Della Huff | all galleries >> Etcetera >> Favorites > Los Angeles Moonrise
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Los Angeles Moonrise

I have always loved the moon, and I love photographing it as part of a landscape. I've been waiting to take the photo above for at least a year and a half, because various factors have always gotten in the way: I wasn't in town during the full moon, it was cloudy on the night of the full moon, or it was the wrong season and the moon wasn't rising anywhere near downtown from this angle (if you haven't noticed, the location of the moonrise differs dramatically based on moon phase and season because of Earth's orbital tilt).

Anyway, I *finally* got the image I've been waiting for on Tuesday night! Unfortunately it wasn't the clearest night, but the LA smog helped paint the sky in beautiful blue and pink pastels.

I probably wouldn't hang this photo in a gallery or even on my wall at home, but it's very satisfying to finally 'get' the image I'd been imagining for such a long time.

Canon EOS 5D
1/6s f/10.0 at 98.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Yelena 17-Jun-2014 19:47
What is the exact location of this shot? I am a beginner, passionate about photography, who does not live in Los Angeles (unfortunately). But I am going there is three weeks and preparing very carefully. Knowing the locations of your shots would really help me plan my trip. Would you mind posting them ASAP? If this is not part of the trick of the trade, of course :)
Ray Lander25-Mar-2010 06:19
Good story and a wonderful angle; I love it. I used to live in L.A. many moons ago. Thank you for bringing back a smile
joanteno19-Jun-2008 22:45
A true photographer can visualize the image and wait for the perfect light. -- very nice.
katwilkens19-Jun-2008 22:00
Superb! Worth the wait.
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