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Peter Stahl | all galleries >> Galleries >> flowers > Bronze Sunbird.jpg
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Bronze Sunbird.jpg

Canon EOS 1D Mark II
1/640s f/5.6 at 700.0mm iso640 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Yiannis Pavlis15-Dec-2007 14:37
This is reeally beautiful, not just the setting the photography as well.V
Dan Ng07-Dec-2006 06:37
Super image and detail. V.
Buz Kiefer05-Sep-2006 23:22
Wonderful exposure Peter. Vote.
Shelly- VA Beach05-Sep-2006 23:07
Beautiful bird - & pic!!
Bryan Ramsay16-Aug-2006 01:38
Wow I'm glad I openned this one! Hard to see the bird in the thumb! Gorgeous, GMV -BJ
carol j. phipps14-Aug-2006 01:51
Amazing color. Vote.
Wei O'Connell26-Jul-2006 03:39
Great capture. Wonderful color and detail. Beautiful framing. Big vote.
Carole Stevens17-Jul-2006 21:41
Love this Peter one of my favourite birds!
Chris P.04-Jun-2006 14:30
Excellent photo. Superb color and detail.
coaster27-May-2006 03:46
Nice shot!
carol j. phipps26-May-2006 01:25
Unique perspective on the bird; umbrella of flowers.
Nestor Derkach23-May-2006 12:26
Nice capture with the flower ,lovely color ,soft and inviting. GMV.
Tommy Junger29-Apr-2006 04:11
Beautiful colour! Nice shot!
Yi Feng26-Mar-2006 17:15
Beautiful shot, the bird and the flower! 2007 already? :)
Vilone20-Feb-2006 05:48
Wow!This one gets my big VOTE!!!!!!
Guest 19-Feb-2006 07:01
Great work! Voted.
henrywong19-Feb-2006 05:27
beautiful catch !!
Shmuel Halevi19-Feb-2006 03:49
What a catch! Terrific.
Guy Bruyea19-Feb-2006 02:54
Beautiful subject superbly photographed! Well done.
Guest 19-Feb-2006 02:20
Wonderful detail in this image, Peter
almost looks like there is a tiny drop of water at the end of his beak
Tom Munson18-Feb-2006 22:41
Terrific image Peter, very colorful and sharp.
Guest 18-Feb-2006 18:41
What a wonderful picture, we love the colours and the angle that you have taken this picture. Fay & Lars
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