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Peter Stahl | all galleries >> Galleries >> sunsets > sunset Isle lake.jpg
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sunset Isle lake.jpg

Canon EOS-1D X
1/30s f/6.3 at 300.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Vickie BROWN16-Sep-2012 19:04
Fabulous colours and reflections. Bravo, Peter! BV
Yi Feng16-Sep-2012 00:23
A fabulous view, Peter.
Hank Vander Velde15-Sep-2012 23:30
A beautiful sunset image Peter.
Sheila15-Sep-2012 23:17
Jess. ( Lady.D.)15-Sep-2012 17:30
Gorgeous reflection Peter, wonderful light and colour....
Guest 15-Sep-2012 17:00
Beautiful, great colour.
Fong Lam15-Sep-2012 14:46
Beautiful sunset scene, Peter...V
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography15-Sep-2012 14:43
Beautiful image, Vote.
francoisconstantin15-Sep-2012 14:02
Colors and reflection are great.
Gary Hebert15-Sep-2012 13:57
gorgeous evening colors and reflection Peter...
CM Kwan15-Sep-2012 06:11
Wonderful colours, Peter! V
Jim Coffman15-Sep-2012 03:05
A fabulous end to the day. Beautiful work,Peter.
Guest 15-Sep-2012 02:54
Excellent skies and reflections. V.
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