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Peter Stahl | all galleries >> Galleries >> flowers > flower.jpg
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Yves Rubin08-Aug-2009 05:39
Beautiful colors and superb light, Peter! V
Mindy McNaugher28-Jul-2008 01:49
Stunning shot! Vote!
Manas Khan22-Jul-2008 21:41
Bright colors and shinning droplets! Can't be any better! V
Fong Lam22-Jul-2008 15:41
Fabulous colors and details, Peter.
Marco Valk22-Jul-2008 15:25
beautiful colors and great detail, Peter. well done. v
Bryan Murahashi22-Jul-2008 15:16
Beautiful light and colors in this fresh blossom. V
Guest 22-Jul-2008 14:26
A beautiful image of this flower Peter..
The water drops are a nice addition..voted
Nestor Derkach22-Jul-2008 14:22
Beauitiful floral portrait in a coordinated frame.
Superb detail and beautiful bokeh.
Great photograph.
Guest 22-Jul-2008 13:59
Beautiful Peter!
Carol Rollins22-Jul-2008 12:25
Wonderful colors, light, comp and drops! Beautiful, bright image. V
Guest 22-Jul-2008 10:34
Just beautiful, Peter! Wonderful light and colors and gotta love those dew drops!
Jean Chiasson22-Jul-2008 10:23
Great image and colors Peter vote
edwina beaumont22-Jul-2008 07:42
very pretty, lovely colour and its echo in the background
Jay Levin22-Jul-2008 04:38
This one is perfect, Peter. Great composition and details, including of course the water droplets. Vote
Liz Bickel22-Jul-2008 03:18
Gorgeous. Stunning lighting, colors, & composition. And incredible detail.
Matthew Mannell22-Jul-2008 02:51
Gorgeous, tac sharp floral!
Joanne Kamo22-Jul-2008 01:44
Rich color and lighting, Peter! Perfect. V
Yiannis Pavlis22-Jul-2008 01:43
Excellent capture,magnificent lighting and details.A gorgeous picture . V
Tomasz Dziubinski - Photography22-Jul-2008 01:14
Superb, great colors and details, Vote :)
Jim Stephens22-Jul-2008 00:13
Beautiful saturation and terrific detail! V.
Guest 22-Jul-2008 00:05
So beautiful Peter! You captured the color perfectly.
s_barbour21-Jul-2008 23:25
Gorgeous shot Peter, wonderful details!
Guest 21-Jul-2008 22:19
Excellent Peter
nice detail, super light, lovely colors
Hank Vander Velde21-Jul-2008 21:43
Nice sharp shot and very colurful. The water droplets add a nice touch. V.
john savage21-Jul-2008 21:18
Incredible light and perfect exposure. Great image. V
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