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Peter Stahl | all galleries >> Galleries >> flowers > Lake flower.jpg
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Lake flower.jpg

Have no idea what type it is, but it looked so cool. Processed three shots in HDR and used Helicon focus for DOF.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
carol j. phipps22-Jul-2008 11:46
Fantastic presentation! Gorgeous composition. V
Jess. ( Lady.D.)16-Jul-2008 18:39
Fabulous colour and detail Peter...
s_barbour16-Jul-2008 15:42
Fabulous detail and amazing colour Peter!
Fong Lam16-Jul-2008 15:07
Absolutely gorgeous with vivid colors and details, Peter.
Jean Chiasson16-Jul-2008 13:46
Beautiful colors vote
CM Kwan16-Jul-2008 11:51
Wow, amazingly beautiful with great details! V
Jim Stephens16-Jul-2008 00:35
Superb! V.
Guest 15-Jul-2008 22:11
Magnificent! v
Jay Levin15-Jul-2008 22:01
Beautiful symmetry, Peter, and sharply captured. Terrific shot. Vote
Guest 15-Jul-2008 19:35
Great shot, Peter.
Guest 15-Jul-2008 19:14
Beautiful flower Peter.I would like to know myself what kind this is.Anyway great shot.GMV
Carole Stevens15-Jul-2008 18:37
Oh wow this is stunning,the colours are so beautiful and strong, so much depth!
fdt15-Jul-2008 17:58
Very nice image. f
Marco Valk15-Jul-2008 17:03
terrific shot; amazing colors and clarity. v
Hank Vander Velde15-Jul-2008 15:54
Beautiful colours Peter. Very nice image. V.
Alina15-Jul-2008 14:51
I don’t know what type it is either I would call it Flowery Ring. Beautiful capture Peter! v
Guest 15-Jul-2008 14:44
Excellent image Peter..
Nice and sharp and the colors are rich and vibrant..voted
Naret Visesvongsa15-Jul-2008 14:05
Beautiful and interesting image. V
john savage15-Jul-2008 13:43
very nice image whatever you did V
Guest 15-Jul-2008 12:14
Beautiful image, Peter. The coor and the DOF are fantastic. well done. V
Guest 15-Jul-2008 12:09
Beautiful! v.
Guest 15-Jul-2008 11:03
Simply gorgeous, Peter! The colors and details are incredible!
edwina beaumont15-Jul-2008 08:05
great colours and DOF, I think it will open out a lot more
Sheila15-Jul-2008 07:23
GOrgeous colours. Beautiful bokeh!
Bryan Murahashi15-Jul-2008 05:32
Beautiful and colorful blossom. V
January Grey15-Jul-2008 05:02
Awesome colors, DOF and light! Stunning work, Peter! V~
Guest 15-Jul-2008 04:07
Beautiful colours and composition. vote
Gary Hebert15-Jul-2008 04:03
very gorgeous sharp colors Peter... :)
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