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Deborah Linzer | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent

Profile for Deborah Linzer
Name Deborah Linzer (joined 03-Dec-2007) (pbase supporter)
Username deborahlinzer
Personal URL
Location Maryland, USA
Maryland, USA
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View Galleries : Deborah Linzer has 8 galleries and 144 images online.
These pages have been viewed a total of 7598 times.

View Guestbook : 1 messages. Most recent on 06-Oct-2009.

Message from Deborah Linzer
Deborah Linzer is a printmaker who received her Bachelors of Fine Arts in traditional printmaking from SUNY Buffalo in 1973. Currently, she is exploring multiple facets of digital image making to include photography and printmaking. She is particularly entranced by the integration of traditional printmaking with digital technology. Her images explore light, color, form, line and relationships between nature and human made objects and their erosion over time.

It was in Los Angeles in 1970 that June Wayne wrote in the introduction to The Tamarind Book of Lithography: Art & Techniques, “in a world that seems bent on destroying even its own oxygen supply, it is likely that this book’s content may be nearly as bizarre in twenty years as alchemy is today.”

Debbie admits to romanticizing her student days in the art studio -- tasting gum arabic to ensure that it had enough nitric acid to create just the right “bite,” breathing the fumes of every solvent imaginable, taping wet Rives BFK on the wall so it would stretch tight after printing, the black ink that permeated her skin. Breathing tear gas on campus in 1969............

She finds June Wayne’s words to be prophetic. Her life’s journey once again has Debbie picking up a camera – this time digital; exploring printmaking after a thirty-three year hiatus – now using non-toxic and digital techniques; and celebrating the discovery of a whole new world to explore – the integration of traditional printmaking with digital technology.

In addition to Debbie’s galleries on; visit her Fotolia photo galleries where you can purchase Debbie’s stock photo images at

Please enjoy her work and leave comments so that she can come visit your galleries too!
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