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Irene Firck | all galleries >> Galleries >> Challenges. So far, so good.... > Tranquility (Challenge: "Zen III")
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Tranquility (Challenge: "Zen III")

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dekker22-Jul-2009 05:19
Guido Hahnraths20-Jul-2009 19:34
This is a very strong picture with a perfect lightning. A very simple subject but seen so very well. big ~V~
Rob Oele17-Jul-2009 07:26
Perfect beauty! V
Randy Adams13-Jul-2009 08:24
Fantastic composition Irene! Bravo! V
Guest 10-Jul-2009 11:21
absolutely beautiful !
Susanne v. Schroeder09-Jul-2009 23:05
So beautiful and Zen like!