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Danad | all galleries >> Galleries >> China : Enigmatic Signs and Mysterious Stories. > The Battle of Chanzicun Rice Fields. -1-
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The Battle of Chanzicun Rice Fields. -1-

Greetings before the fight.

Canon EOS 5D Mark III
1/125s f/11.0 at 47.0mm iso250 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Jeff Real10-Nov-2023 13:32
This is so amazing looking to me!
A very beautiful and nagical scene!
Lance B04-Aug-2018 06:50
Wonderful composition!
carol j. phipps13-Jun-2018 01:44
carol j. phipps13-Jun-2018 01:43
Wow! Outstanding!
Lamar Nix30-Jan-2018 15:54
Stick figures come to life and take on personalities in this clever image! V
victorswan23-Nov-2017 20:19
Fantastic, image it is just a story from the old Chinese image story, lovely work Daniel BV
Nina Ludwig31-Aug-2017 05:17
So imaginative!
Sam Rua26-Aug-2017 22:53
Super comp and capture. Well seen.
George McCarten10-Aug-2017 01:43
The composition already is compelling, but you kill it with the caption! Excellent!
Carl H. Johnson08-Jun-2017 01:28
Pieter Bos30-May-2017 19:31
Very good image. ~V
meekam tam20-May-2017 19:16
Very interesting scene! V
Alexander Kazakov16-May-2017 07:30
So nice composition! V
XiaoBernard9907-May-2017 05:54
Bien trouvée
Zoltán Balogh06-May-2017 13:02
Excellent find and photograph. V
Franco Pacelli29-Apr-2017 15:41
Great picture!!!
Dan Greenberg25-Apr-2017 17:19
Outstanding! Definitely an unusual scene and beautiful image. ~BV~
marita toftgard25-Apr-2017 06:51
Wow amazing capture!
Blandine Mangin23-Apr-2017 15:22
une composition très originale ! v
Ton T.23-Apr-2017 09:09
Intriguing image Danad! Great combination of colors V
Buz Kiefer21-Apr-2017 17:07
Wonderul composition and beautiful light. Vote.
barbarajoy20-Apr-2017 23:35
Fascinating series of three pictures ... I like your captions. V
globalgadabout19-Apr-2017 21:39
superb scene here too, and a good interpretation..
Fabienne19-Apr-2017 21:02
Une photo très graphique, c'est superbe.
Nick Paoni19-Apr-2017 20:09
What an interesting shot. The stacks look like dancers in the field. V
Martin Lamoon19-Apr-2017 18:33
An excellent photograph
Helen Betts19-Apr-2017 18:14
What a great capture, and a perfect title to describe the scene. V.
Nirvan Hope19-Apr-2017 17:57
Fascinating! I wonder what those straw figures will do next!
Neil Marcus19-Apr-2017 17:41
An interesting image and an imaginative title. "V"
François Fauchard19-Apr-2017 17:25
Ces meules de riz sont bien belles ! V
Carol E Sandgren19-Apr-2017 17:13
Wow this is really cool! I don't know what these are or anything for that matter about Chanzicun Rice Fields but these stacks really make for a great landscape image! The light and color are really good as is the composition.
Allan Jay19-Apr-2017 17:06
Excellent details here, Danad!
Frank Tran19-Apr-2017 17:00
Great light, colors, and shadows. V+
Tom Munson19-Apr-2017 16:23
This is wonderful. Great shot.
joseantonio19-Apr-2017 16:21
must be a great experience.V.
Jim Coffman19-Apr-2017 16:14
This is most interesting, Daniel!!
Patrick Goossens19-Apr-2017 16:12
Very mysterious. great light and colors
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