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Charlie Dunton | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> The Performance Photography of Charles Dunton tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

The Performance Photography of Charles Dunton

I am quite liberal in my definition of performance. Certainly it includes music and dance. It also encompasses festivals and celebrations. But Mother Nature frequently puts on a fine performance, so landscapes are included as well. Basically, wherever you find beauty, passion, or excitement, you will find a performance.
Rembering Coyote Run
:: Rembering Coyote Run ::
:: Celebrate! ::
Native American Dance
:: Native American Dance ::
An Inner Beauty
:: An Inner Beauty ::
An Inner Beauty Abstracted
:: An Inner Beauty Abstracted ::
After The Harvest
:: After The Harvest ::
Golden Trout Wilderness
:: Golden Trout Wilderness ::
Sculptures of Thrill
:: Sculptures of Thrill ::
Elegy For A Giant
:: Elegy For A Giant ::
Among Friends
:: Among Friends ::
Lunch At 5 Guys
:: Lunch At 5 Guys ::
Tall Ships
:: Tall Ships ::
American Jukebox
:: American Jukebox ::
Alaska Cruise
:: Alaska Cruise ::