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Charles Addams

Except for the signed copies, all volumes below shown are first printings of the particular edition. The scarcest, especially in dust wrappers, are probably first printings of Addams and Evil (Random House 1947). The jackets for Drawn and Quartered are getting more difficult to find. Most everything else is ubiquitous.
Images of Charles Addams
:: Images of Charles Addams ::
Here's what the following books look like on the shelf...
Here's what the following books look like on the shelf...
Drawn and Quartered (Random House 1942)
Drawn and Quartered (Random House 1942)
Drawn and Quartered (World Publishing Co. 1942)
Drawn and Quartered (World Publishing Co. 1942)
Drawn and Quartered (Hamish Hamilton 1943)
Drawn and Quartered (Hamish Hamilton 1943)
Drawn and Quartered (Random House, 1942) (inscribed)
:: Drawn and Quartered (Random House, 1942) (inscribed) ::
Drawn and Quartered (World Publishing Co.) (signed)
:: Drawn and Quartered (World Publishing Co.) (signed) ::
Addams and Evil (Random House 1947)
Addams and Evil (Random House 1947)
Addams and Evil (Random House).  All non-first printings are in a slightly smaller format.
Addams and Evil (Random House). All non-first printings are in a slightly smaller format.
Addams and Evil (Methuen 1985)
Addams and Evil (Methuen 1985)
Monster Rally (1950) (signed)
:: Monster Rally (1950) (signed) ::
Monster Rally (W. H. Allen 1977)
Monster Rally (W. H. Allen 1977)
Monster Rally (Fireside undated)
Monster Rally (Fireside undated)
Homebodies (Simon and Schuster 1954)
Homebodies (Simon and Schuster 1954)
Homebodies (Hamish Hamilton 1954)
Homebodies (Hamish Hamilton 1954)
Afternoon in the Attic (Dodd, Mead and Co. 1950)
Afternoon in the Attic (Dodd, Mead and Co. 1950)
Nightcrawlers (Simon and Schuster 1957)
Nightcrawlers (Simon and Schuster 1957)
Dear Dead Days (Putnam 1959)
Dear Dead Days (Putnam 1959)
Dear Dead Days (Paul Hamlyn 1959)
Dear Dead Days (Paul Hamlyn 1959)
Black Maria (1960) (inscribed with original watercolor)
:: Black Maria (1960) (inscribed with original watercolor) ::
Drawn and Quartered -- The Return of a Classic (Simon and Schuster 1962)
Drawn and Quartered -- The Return of a Classic (Simon and Schuster 1962)
Groaning Board (Simon and Schuster 1964)
Groaning Board (Simon and Schuster 1964)
The Chas Addams Mother Goose (Windmill Press 1967)
The Chas Addams Mother Goose (Windmill Press 1967)
The Chas Addams Mother Goose (Windmill Books 1967)
The Chas Addams Mother Goose (Windmill Books 1967)
My Crowd (Simon and Schuster 1970)
My Crowd (Simon and Schuster 1970)
My Crowd (Fireside1970)
My Crowd (Fireside1970)
My Crowd (Tom Stacey 1971) (enlarged ed.) (inscribed with original drawing)
:: My Crowd (Tom Stacey 1971) (enlarged ed.) (inscribed with original drawing) ::
My Crowd (Barnes and Noble 2003)
My Crowd (Barnes and Noble 2003)
Favorite Haunts (1976) (inscribed copies, one with original drawing of Alice B. Curr)
:: Favorite Haunts (1976) (inscribed copies, one with original drawing of Alice B. Curr) ::
Favourite Haunts (W. H. Allen 1977)
Favourite Haunts (W. H. Allen 1977)
Schwarze Scherze (Verlag Volk und Welt Berlin 1977) (German version of 'Favorite Haunts')
Schwarze Scherze (Verlag Volk und Welt Berlin 1977) (German version of 'Favorite Haunts')
Creature Comforts (Simon and Schuster 1981)
Creature Comforts (Simon and Schuster 1981)
Creature Comforts (1981) (inscribed with original full page watercolor drawing)
:: Creature Comforts (1981) (inscribed with original full page watercolor drawing) ::
Unerwunschte Wohltaten (Rowohlt 1983)
Unerwunschte Wohltaten (Rowohlt 1983)
The Addams Family Album (Hamish Hamilton 1991) (first ed.)
The Addams Family Album (Hamish Hamilton 1991) (first ed.)
Here at the New Yorker (1975) (signed by Addams and Gill)
:: Here at the New Yorker (1975) (signed by Addams and Gill) ::
The World of Chas Addams (Knopf 1991)
The World of Chas Addams (Knopf 1991)
Charles Addams:  American Gothic
Charles Addams: American Gothic
Cars and Car-toons of Chas Addams (2007)
Cars and Car-toons of Chas Addams (2007)
Inscribed poster (21 x 15)
Inscribed poster (21 x 15")
Addams's New Yorker Covers
:: Addams's New Yorker Covers ::
Rahil reading The Chas Addams Mother Goose
Rahil reading The Chas Addams Mother Goose