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Cristian Jensen | profile | all galleries >> Birding in Spain - Best Birding Sites in Spain - Wildlife Photography >> Birdwatching in Tarifa and Gibraltar - The best raptor migration in Western Europe tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Birdwatching in Tarifa and Gibraltar - The best raptor migration in Western Europe

Audouin Birding Tours birdwatching in Spain

Audouin Birding Tours - Birdwatching in Spain - Local trips in the Ebro Delta and Ports -

The Strait of Gibraltar is one of the busiest migration points in Western Europe during the autumn, and millions of birds gather every year in the southern part of Spain to rest and forage before continuing their journey southwards to their African wintering grounds. The raptors constitute one of the most remarkable groups on the move during this period, and almost all the Spanish raptors can be encountered, along with several other specialities of the area.

SLIDESHOW Birdwatching in Tarifa and Gibraltar

Birding trip reports can be seen HERE

If you want to birdwatch in Andalucia CLICK HERE

If you want to see pictures from birds been ringed in Doñana Nature Park CLICK HERE This banding programe was done in Brazo de la Torre.

If you want to see pictures from the Iberian Lynx (Lynx pardinus) CLICK HERE
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Common Buzzard - Buteo buteo - Aligot comú - Ratonero o Busardo
Common Buzzard - Buteo buteo - Aligot comú - Ratonero o Busardo
Honey Buzard - Pernis apivorus - Halcon abejero - Aligot vesper
Honey Buzard - Pernis apivorus - Halcon abejero - Aligot vesper
Honey Buzard - Pernis apivorus - Halcon abejero - Aligot vesper
Honey Buzard - Pernis apivorus - Halcon abejero - Aligot vesper
Honey Buzard - Pernis apivorus - Halcon abejero - Aligot vesper
Honey Buzard - Pernis apivorus - Halcon abejero - Aligot vesper
Honey Buzard - Pernis apivorus - Halcon abejero - Aligot vesper
Honey Buzard - Pernis apivorus - Halcon abejero - Aligot vesper
Honey Buzard - Pernis apivorus - Halcon abejero - Aligot vesper
Honey Buzard - Pernis apivorus - Halcon abejero - Aligot vesper
Shor-toed eagle - Circaetus gallicus
Shor-toed eagle - Circaetus gallicus
Red-legged Partridge - Alectoris rufa - Perdiz Roja - Perdiu roja
Red-legged Partridge - Alectoris rufa - Perdiz Roja - Perdiu roja
Alpine Swift - Apus melba - Vencejo Real - Balllester
Alpine Swift - Apus melba - Vencejo Real - Balllester
Young Black Kite - Milvus migrans
Young Black Kite - Milvus migrans
Little Owl - Athene noctua - Mochuelo - Mussol Comú
Little Owl - Athene noctua - Mochuelo - Mussol Comú
Bee-eater eating a Bomble bee - Merops apiaster - Abejaruco comiendo un abejorro - Abellarol amb un burinot
Bee-eater eating a Bomble bee - Merops apiaster - Abejaruco comiendo un abejorro - Abellarol amb un burinot
Young Black-crown Night Heron - Nictycorax nictycorax - Martinete - Martinet de Nit
Young Black-crown Night Heron - Nictycorax nictycorax - Martinete - Martinet de Nit
Little ringed plover - Charadrius dubius - Chorlitejo chico - Corriol petit
Little ringed plover - Charadrius dubius - Chorlitejo chico - Corriol petit
Little ringed plover - Charadrius dubius - Chorlitejo chico - Corriol petit
Little ringed plover - Charadrius dubius - Chorlitejo chico - Corriol petit
Avocet - Recurvirostra avosseta - Avoceta - Bec D'Alena - Cusi sacs
Avocet - Recurvirostra avosseta - Avoceta - Bec D'Alena - Cusi sacs
Ringed plover - Charadrius hiaticula
Ringed plover - Charadrius hiaticula
Ringed plover - Charadrius hiaticula
Ringed plover - Charadrius hiaticula
Cattle egret and a cow
Cattle egret and a cow
Crabs in the Bonanza Salt pans
Crabs in the Bonanza Salt pans
Swallowtail - Papilio machaon - Mariposa Rey - Papallona Rei
Swallowtail - Papilio machaon - Mariposa Rey - Papallona Rei
Red-veined Darter
Red-veined Darter
Banded groundling
Banded groundling
Darter Dragongly
Darter Dragongly
Darter Dragongly
Darter Dragongly
Castellar el viejo
Castellar el viejo
Microbus in Huerta Grande Cottages
Microbus in Huerta Grande Cottages
Flower in garden from Castellar el Viejo
Flower in garden from Castellar el Viejo
Roman Ruins from Baelo Claudio
Roman Ruins from Baelo Claudio
Strait - Europe and Africa
Strait - Europe and Africa
Higo chumbo
Higo chumbo
Alcornocales and Estrecho Nature Park
Alcornocales and Estrecho Nature Park
Young Flamingo in Bonanza salt pans
Young Flamingo in Bonanza salt pans
Microbus in Huerta Grande Cottages
Microbus in Huerta Grande Cottages
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