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Rick & José van der Weijde | profile | all galleries >> Photo Archive >> Birds (Vogels) >> Caracaras and Falcons (Caracara's en Valken) >> Lesser Kestrel (Kleine Torenvalk) tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

Crested Caracara (Kuifcaracara) | Yellow-Headed Caracara (Geelkopcaracara) | Chimango (Chimango Caracara) | Laughing Falcon (Lachvalk) | Afrikaanse Dwergvalk / Pygmy Falcon | Lesser Kestrel (Kleine Torenvalk) | Common Kestrel (Torenvalk) | Afrikaanse Torenvalk / Rock Kestrel | American Kestrel (Amerikaanse Torenvalk) | Grote Torenvalk / Greater Kestrel | Grey Kestrel (Grijze Torenvalk) | Eurasian Hobby (Boomvalk) | Saker Falcon (Sakervalk) | Peregrine Falcon (Slechtvalk)

Lesser Kestrel (Kleine Torenvalk)

Fatbirder's Top 1000 Birding Websites

Lesser Kestrel - Falco naumanni - Kleine Torenvalk
South-Europe and Northwest-Africa to North-China. Winters to Africa.
This species is monotypic.

Of this species there are also Zoo Photo's available.

Lesser KestrelFalco naumanni
Lesser Kestrel
Falco naumanni