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Ian Conroy | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> United States, August 2003 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

United States, August 2003

Originally intended to be a flying visit to New York, to see a 60th anniversary screening of Casablanca, this developed into a longer holiday, catching up with a variety of friends. I especially enjoyed meeting up with my fellow "virtual" Humphrey Bogart fans, who, when I met them, seemed like old friends!
u40/conroy/medium/39324322.IMGP2268.jpg u40/conroy/medium/39324323.IMGP2271.jpg u40/conroy/medium/39324324.IMGP2290.jpg Relaxing
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u40/conroy/medium/39324330.IMGP2380.jpg Harriet & Lissie
Harriet & Lissie
v3/98/524098/3/48271291.IMGP2389.jpg Michelle, Cosmo & Note
Michelle, Cosmo & Note
For Hannah
For Hannah
Harriet & Michelle
Harriet & Michelle
Ian and Harriet
Ian and Harriet
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Mademoiselle Michelle et  sa fleur de lis
Mademoiselle Michelle et sa fleur de lis
You came in normal clothes?
You came in normal clothes?
Space Needle
Space Needle
Friends in Seattle
Friends in Seattle
v3/98/524098/3/48272016.IMGP2316.jpg v3/98/524098/3/48272017.IMGP2377.jpg Jockeys outside the 21 Club
Jockeys outside the "21" Club
Which was closed that night!
Which was closed that night!
In the car
In the car
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