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Maine: Summer 02

Fort Island--Walking distance from new house.
Fort Island--Walking distance from new house.
Sunlit window--Wiscasset (close to new home)
Sunlit window--Wiscasset (close to new home)
Wiscasset Marsh
Wiscasset Marsh
Wiscasset Window
Wiscasset Window
Boothbay--sunlight after thunderstorm
Boothbay--sunlight after thunderstorm
Boothbay--after rain
Boothbay--after rain
Barrel of Oars (Maine)
Barrel of Oars (Maine)
Block (Maine)
Block (Maine)
Steeple (Maine)
Steeple (Maine)
3 lb. lobster (Edward admires)
3 lb. lobster (Edward admires)
Check out that island! (Maine)
Check out that island! (Maine)
Wiscasset pictures (Maine)
Wiscasset pictures (Maine)
Fence around an old beauty (Maine)
Fence around an old beauty (Maine)
Window at same house (Maine)
Window at same house (Maine)
Lord bless this tree...
Lord bless this tree...
....for it comes down tomorrow!
....for it comes down tomorrow!
This and that at antique store
This and that at antique store
Trapped! (Maine)
Trapped! (Maine)
View from motel door (Maine)
View from motel door (Maine)
Watercan (Maine)
Watercan (Maine)
Whistle (Maine)
Whistle (Maine)
Wooden wheels at antique store (Maine)
Wooden wheels at antique store (Maine)
After the storm (Maine)
After the storm (Maine)
View after rain from our motel doorway (Maine)
View after rain from our motel doorway (Maine)
Blue door, Wiscasset (Maine)
Blue door, Wiscasset (Maine)
Great Neck
Great Neck
Lobster boat reflections (Maine)
Lobster boat reflections (Maine)
Ron, Butch, Edward & George
Ron, Butch, Edward & George
Boothbay, 6:00 AM (Maine, Boothbay)
Boothbay, 6:00 AM (Maine, Boothbay)
Boothbay harbor a couple of hours later (Maine, Boothbay)
Boothbay harbor a couple of hours later (Maine, Boothbay)
Footbridge, Boothbay Harbor (Maine)
Footbridge, Boothbay Harbor (Maine)
Bath (Maine)
Bath (Maine)
Bath window reflection (Maine, Bath)
Bath window reflection (Maine, Bath)
Bath Common (Maine)
Bath Common (Maine)
Bath Tugboats (Maine)
Bath Tugboats (Maine)
Basket (Maine)
Basket (Maine)
Colorful hydrant
Colorful hydrant