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Cliff | all galleries >> Galleries >> Photo-a-Day > On the Beach
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On the Beach

On Kits Beach in Vancover looking out on at the Strait of Georgia.

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jypsee26-Oct-2004 03:04
Love the sky; your model looks good, too...
Karen Leaf26-Oct-2004 01:47
Goes on forever. This is special, Cliff.
Larry Ahern26-Oct-2004 01:31
Very very nice!!
Guest 25-Oct-2004 19:36
Looks a great place!! Superb colors!!
Robin Reid25-Oct-2004 16:04
Lovely vista Cliff.
Leo Charette25-Oct-2004 15:53
Well done Cliff... beautiful sky and lighting ... errr, and model ;) The yellow jacket gives this image pop.
Guest 25-Oct-2004 15:33
Didn't know the sky was that nice on Saturday! Ahhh--chooo! Sniff.. :(
katwilkens25-Oct-2004 15:01
Nice one!