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Chris Klapheke | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> critters tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


monty eyes
monty eyes
chippy pose
chippy pose
chip 500
chip 500
suet thief!
suet thief!
lizard topsl.jpg
lizard topsl.jpg
squirrel front yard.jpg
squirrel front yard.jpg
Red-eyed turtle
Red-eyed turtle
squirrel hole 3.jpg
squirrel hole 3.jpg
tree frog
tree frog
chip monk
chip monk
cute chip
cute chip
the chairman of bob records
the chairman of bob records
Baby Snake
Baby Snake
psycho squirrel
psycho squirrel
chip stand
chip stand
big slider
big slider
coyote fording
coyote fording
chameleon florida
chameleon florida
gee Wally!
gee Wally!
rocky 1.jpg
rocky 1.jpg