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CJ Morgan | all galleries >> Galleries >> LIFE AFTER PHOTO A DAY 2005 > 050403-0010-1DMKII-69.jpg
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Mike and his son Paul

1/15s f/4.0 at 17.0mm iso1600 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 22-Aug-2005 02:11
Just Paul is imitating both of his Uncle's facial expressions. Can't wait until parent - teacher see we have a photographer in the family......;-)
Guest 06-Jun-2005 11:14
Since everybody else said cool I will say NEAT.
Dan Chusid06-Jun-2005 06:43
I'd say cool but two others beat me to it!
Guest 06-Jun-2005 01:23
Very cool!
Josy's Pics05-Jun-2005 23:27
Cool shot!!... very creative... :)