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Barbary Ape

The Barbary Macaque - found in the Atlas Mountains of Algeria and Morocco with a small, possibly introduced, population in Gibraltar.
The Barbary Macaque is one of the best-known Old World monkey species that has just a stub of a tail.
Although they are commonly referred to as the "Barbary Ape", it is a true monkey, not an ape.
These shots were taken at the Toronto Zoo and are basically a study as I watched their behaviour for a while. I will be adding as I go along.

 Look That Way...

Look That Way...
 Look This Way...

Look This Way...
 Ok, I'll try a piece

Ok, I'll try a piece
That's A Good Piece

That's A Good Piece


Oh, What's This?

Oh, What's This?
Where's Everyone?

Where's Everyone?

  Ahh, What To Do?

Ahh, What To Do?
 I'll Hide Here...

I'll Hide Here...

What to do next?

What to do next?
 I'm So Bored!

I'm So Bored!
Where's Everybody?

Where's Everybody?
shhh,  I'm Making a Wish

shhh, I'm Making a Wish
 Nobody's Looking

Nobody's Looking
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