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Cindy Flood | all galleries >> Wintertime images >> On the road again... >> phoenix_zoo_2008 > Bess and Kasih
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09-JAN-2008 Cindy Flood

Bess and Kasih

Phoenix zoo

I went to the Phoenix zoo to see the Bornean Orangutan family. Bornean orangutans are endangered and live in the wild only on the island of Borneo in southeast Asia. The family consists of the grandma, Duchess, the father, Michael (about 20 years old), the mother, Bess (28 years old) and the baby, Kasih. Kasih will be 2 on January 27th. Bornean Orangutans raise their young for 8 years. A female will have a baby about once every 10 years starting as a teen, but Bess did not have an offspring until she was 26. Duchess is the mother of Bess and has had 8 offspring.
I am absolutely captivated by these animals and spent a long time viewing them (even though the light was very contrasty and not too good for photography.)

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