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Water and Ice

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Water and Ice

Welcome to Water and Ice

Just click on the images to view larger

Thank you so much for visiting, and although I don't always find the time to respond in kind
- I appreciate your comments very much - thank you! Enjoy your visit!


Sales: Yes, I do sell or license many of these images :) Prices depend on use/size.

click on the "Contact Cindy" link with questions or use requests

Selected works of Cindy Diaz may be viewed in person at The Gallery in Mount Shasta
201 North Mt. Shasta Blvd., Mt. Shasta, CA 96067 - 530-926-2334
*Note: All work is copyrighted. Please do not hotlink, copy, or download without prior permission. ________________________________________________________________________________________________
McCloud River Ice McCloud River Ice II McCloud River Ice III
Spring Thaw Ice Plant Fractured Water II - Triangle Tracks
Fractured Water IV Fractured Water IV - The Fan Fractured Water I - Crystal Sky
Feather? Fractured Water III - Mosaic Impressions of Spring Flows IV
impressions of Spring Flows III Impressions of Spring Flows II Time - Impressions of Spring Flows III
Hold On Time - Impressions of Spring Flows II The Journey Begins
Dancing Waters Magic Water Berg
Gurgle, Gurgle, Splish Splash Half n Half Down the Drain
Icy View