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Dave & Marisa Haralson | profile | all galleries >> Wedding >> Friends tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


We are both blessed with great friends, most of whom were able to come to Texas for the wedding. Those who couldn't make it were missed. Thanks to all of you for your friendship!

Click on individual images for a larger view.
Adrianne, Libba, Victoria
Adrianne, Libba, Victoria
Berts & Mark
Berts & Mark
Bridal Party
Bridal Party
Bustling the dress
Bustling the dress
Carrie & Todd
Carrie & Todd
Cobbler tastes good!
Cobbler tastes good!
D with best men
D with best men
Hugh leads the Hustle
Hugh leads the Hustle
Joe & Carrie
Joe & Carrie
Jon, Joe, Hugh, Scott
Jon, Joe, Hugh, Scott
Lacrosse boys
Lacrosse boys
MK has the BEST smile
MK has the BEST smile
Maria & Reg
Maria & Reg
Mmmm, food is good!
Mmmm, food is good!
Nico, Margot, David, Rani
Nico, Margot, David, Rani
Nicole & Daniel
Nicole & Daniel
Pam & Lory Sue
Pam & Lory Sue
Seattle Friends
Seattle Friends
The Seattle boys
The Seattle boys
Tyler, Shak, & Amy
Tyler, Shak, & Amy
Wedding Party
Wedding Party
could she be any cuter
could she be any cuter
scott & jen
scott & jen
smiles everyone, smile
smiles everyone, smile
wiping Hugh's bald spot
wiping Hugh's bald spot
Entire Wedding Party
Entire Wedding Party
Jen, Sean, Maria, CP
Jen, Sean, Maria, CP
Shanay-nay and Sean
Shanay-nay and Sean