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27 september 2006

Blowing in the wind...

Canon EOS 30D ,Canon EFS 60 mm f/2.8 Macro USM
1/200s f/5.0 at 60.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Guest 28-Sep-2006 01:29
Superb clarity, excellent composition. Great shot, Chrisse. Voted.
s_barbour28-Sep-2006 01:25
Magnificent capture Chrisse, such excellent detail! V.
Sheila27-Sep-2006 23:50
Excellent. Very beautiful.
Carole Stevens27-Sep-2006 23:25
Super macro Chrisse gorgeous details!
Guest 27-Sep-2006 23:18
Like the composition and colors. voted.
Guest 27-Sep-2006 21:59
Lovely composition and colours :-)
laine8227-Sep-2006 21:08
Exquisite !! ~v
Nicki Thurgar27-Sep-2006 21:07
We should do a "Ping" on this Chrisse... except yours is much better than mine!! My only
excuse is that the light was bad! This is wonderful! :o)
Silvia Roitman27-Sep-2006 20:48
Rich Westfall27-Sep-2006 20:35
Very cool "fuzzies" Chrisse. Very nice composition.
Mindy McNaugher27-Sep-2006 20:00
Exquisite shot Chrisse! Gorgeous details, DoF, colors and comp! Vote!
Dan Chusid27-Sep-2006 19:49
Nicely caught.
Love the colors here!