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Clive Moss | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Picture A Week tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Picture A Week

Newest PAWs are here

The idea of a "Photo a Week" (a.k.a. PAW) originated somewhere on the Leica mailing list, often attributed to Kyle Cassidy (who denies it). The objective is to force people like me to stop obsessing about the technology and equipment related to photography, and actually take some pictures that may be worth sharing with others.

Other photographers doing the same thing are listed at this site.

Picture a Week 1st Quarter 2005
< Picture a Week 1st Quarter 2005 >
Picture A Week 4th Quarter 2004
< Picture A Week 4th Quarter 2004 >
Picture A Week  3rd Quarter 2004
< Picture A Week 3rd Quarter 2004 >
Picture a Week  2nd Quarter 2004
< Picture a Week 2nd Quarter 2004 >
Picture a Week 1st Quarter 2004
< Picture a Week 1st Quarter 2004 >
Picture a Week 4th Quarter 2003
< Picture a Week 4th Quarter 2003 >
Picture a Week 3rd Quarter 2003
< Picture a Week 3rd Quarter 2003 >
Picture a Week 2nd Quarter 2003
< Picture a Week 2nd Quarter 2003 >
< Salon >