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Clive Moss | profile | all galleries >> Travel Pics >> Eastern Europe - July 2004 >> Remembrance - Lithuania >> Wednesday - Last Day in Vilnius tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Thursday/Friday -- Joining the Group in Vilnius | Saturday - Vilnius City Center | Sunday - Vilnius Environs | Monday - Vilnius to Kaunas | Monday - Kaunas - Ninth Fort | Monday - Kaunas City | Monday - Panevezys | Tuesday - Kupiskis | Wednesday - Last Day in Vilnius

Wednesday - Last Day in Vilnius

Wednesday morning we drove back to Vilnius, exhausted. A quick final tour of the city with some of the group who did leave town immediately, and we boarded the train to St. Petersburg. Regina gave us a gift of a local delicacy, which we took home for our grandchildren
Our driver
Our driver
u39/chmoss/medium/32480192.2004071401.39.34DSC_4984webbed.jpg u39/chmoss/medium/32480193.2004071401.40.21DSC_4986webbed.jpg u39/chmoss/medium/32480195.2004071402.58.23DSC_4994webbed.jpg
What does this sign mean?
What does this sign mean?
u38/chmoss/medium/32144166.6.ReturntoVilnius2004071406.36.18IMG_7732webbed.jpg A last group picture, with Vilnius in the background.
A last group picture, with Vilnius in the background.
u38/chmoss/medium/32144190.2004071406.35.08IMG_7728webbed.jpg u37/chmoss/medium/32144170.6.ReturntoVilnius2004071407.16.33IMG_7741webbed.jpg Kosher food in the supermarket
Kosher food in the supermarket
We say goodbye to Regina from the train
We say goodbye to Regina from the train
Jacob and Julia enjoy the gift from Vilnius
Jacob and Julia enjoy the gift from Vilnius