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Peggy Bjarno | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Chesapeake Images tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Chesapeake Images

These are shots I've taken on the Bay. Some are altered, some not. The Bay, in its infinite variety, would never "know" the difference.
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Hans in Snow.jpg
Hans in Snow.jpg
Painted skiff.jpg
Painted skiff.jpg
Sandy Point Shoal.jpg
Sandy Point Shoal.jpg
Bay Bridge 4-17.jpg
Bay Bridge 4-17.jpg
St Michaels morning.jpg
St Michaels morning.jpg
MV Delaware.jpg
MV Delaware.jpg
Wye Island beached.jpg
Wye Island beached.jpg
Wye Island trail.jpg
Wye Island trail.jpg
Wye Island stick.jpg
Wye Island stick.jpg
Last Call copy.jpg
Last Call copy.jpg
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