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San Fermin 2011

San Fermin (Or "San Fermines, as it is called in Spanish), is a week long festival held in Pamplona, Spain every summer. The rest of the world knows it at "The Running of the Bulls", although it is much more than that. Every day for the 7 days of the festival starts at 8:00 AM with the running of the bulls, who are released into the streets of old Pamplona about a third of a mile away from the Plaza de Torros (the bull fighting ring), and run through a "closed" course of old Pamplona. This is followed by a traditional breakfast of "chorros", fried dough dipped in chocolate, and other sweets. The day continues with celebrations and a city-wide street festival. There is a bull fight each evening at 6:30 PM, and then the street festivals continue into the wee hours of the morning.
San Fermin!!!!
San Fermin!!!!
Inspecting the street for trippables
Inspecting the street for "trippables"
The baclony crowd awaits the start
The baclony crowd awaits the start
San Fermin Committee members make a final inspection
San Fermin Committee members make a final inspection
Anxious spectators
Anxious spectators
The runners arrive
The runners arrive
Awaiting the bulls, the runners are held at this position until the bulls are released.
Awaiting the bulls, the runners are held at this position until the bulls are released.
Warming up
Warming up
The first bulls make the turn
The first bulls make the turn
Close encounters
Close encounters
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A crowd surrounds a downed runner. Not seriously injured.
Picaso's ghost.
Picaso's ghost.
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running 28.jpg
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running 30.jpg
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running 4.jpg
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running 5.jpg
The Breakfast Table
The Breakfast Table
Our warm and gracious hosts.
Our warm and gracious hosts.
g4/13/504713/3/136352328.o1sDz42N.jpg Churros
Sweet Breads
Sweet Breads
Churros and Chocolate
Churros and Chocolate
Anxious appetite
Anxious appetite
Not quite awake yet
Not quite awake yet
Party at Nuevo Casino
Party at Nuevo Casino
Avoid this guys eye doctor at all costs.
Avoid this guys eye doctor at all costs.
San Fermin
San Fermin
Plaza De Castillo
Plaza De Castillo
Hotel La Perla - Hemingway's Haunt
Hotel La Perla - Hemingway's Haunt
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running 38.jpg
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Flair for the dramatic
Flair for the dramatic
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g4/13/504713/3/136307457.sS00zQWa.jpg The Wine and Coke crowd.
The "Wine and Coke" crowd.
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bull fight.jpg