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Some chocolates?
Some chocolates?
Birds' Love!
Birds' Love!
Fresh Bread
Fresh Bread
Happy Easter !
Happy Easter !
Salmon and Vegetables
Salmon and Vegetables
Tomato Soup
Tomato Soup
Raspberries - bilberries/blueberries - chocolate -cream!
Raspberries - bilberries/blueberries - chocolate -cream!
Escalope -  when you aren't very hungry?
Escalope - when you aren't very hungry?
Fish, roe (3 different) etc.
Fish, roe (3 different) etc.
Happy Birthdays,  Merja and Risto!
Happy Birthdays, Merja and Risto!
Fresh Fish
Fresh Fish
Indian Food 2
Indian Food 2
Indian food 1
Indian food 1
Salty and Sweet
Salty and Sweet
Surprise Cake! Happy 30th Birthday!!
Surprise Cake! Happy 30th Birthday!!
Big Buffet :)
Big Buffet :)
Fish or Vegetables..
Fish or Vegetables..
Layer Cake
Layer Cake
 ... or to Drink  - a Cappuccino
... or to Drink - a Cappuccino
Another Starter
Another Starter
To Begin With
To Begin With
Happy  Birthdays, Sisters!
Happy Birthdays, Sisters!
Chinese Way !
Chinese Way !
Typical Christmas Pastry
Typical Christmas Pastry
Grapes 19 October 2008 in Helsinki - in Open Air!
Grapes 19 October 2008 in Helsinki - in Open Air!
Apples (to keep the doctor away)
Apples (to keep the doctor away)
Filet Of Lamb etc.
Filet Of Lamb etc.
Birthday Delicacies
Birthday Delicacies
Sunshine, Salmon and Potatoes for Lunch..
Sunshine, Salmon and Potatoes for Lunch..
Salmon with Vegetables
Salmon with Vegetables
Desserts in the Italian Manner..
Desserts in the Italian Manner..
Finnish Apples and Peas
Finnish Apples and Peas
Pizza Artica
Pizza Artica
Straccetto Alla Romana
Straccetto Alla Romana
Summer Delicacy, Sunday Version! :)
Summer Delicacy, Sunday Version! :)
Summer Delicacy..Highbush blueberries, icecream, strawberries
Summer Delicacy..Highbush blueberries, icecream, strawberries
Strawberry Time!  Eat and Enjoy!
Strawberry Time! Eat and Enjoy!
Blin With Trimmings
Blin With Trimmings
Saying Cheese!  Puts Smile On Your Face!
Saying Cheese! Puts Smile On Your Face!
In The Market
In The Market
Fresh Bread..
Fresh Bread..
..And Butter, too
..And Butter, too
Stroganoff  With Accompaniment.. :)
Stroganoff With Accompaniment.. :)
Something Salty
Something Salty
Something to Eat?   Hope Not!
Something to Eat? Hope Not!
Beetroot - An Artist's Way To Serve It..
Beetroot - An Artist's Way To Serve It..
Shrimp Sandwich
Shrimp Sandwich
Starter 1
Starter 1
Starter 2
Starter 2
Main Course
Main Course
Omelette with vegetables
Omelette with vegetables
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