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Cesar Paniamogan, Jr. | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> A Bit of Philippine History tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

A Bit of Philippine History

Part Filipino (Malay race), part Spanish, part Chinese - is what makes me who I am.
These scanned photographs are part of my history.
Filipino Women
Filipino Women
General Luna
General Luna
San Sabastian Church
San Sabastian Church
Moro House
Moro House
River Scene
River Scene
La Loma Church
La Loma Church
Retreat of Filipino Insurgents
Retreat of Filipino Insurgents
Covering the Advance
Covering the Advance
Reina Christina
Reina Christina
Bronze Cannons
Bronze Cannons
Block House
Block House
Rice Field
Rice Field
Pasig River
Pasig River
Spanish Arms
Spanish Arms
USS Boston
USS Boston
Caribou Train
Caribou Train
Ambulance Corps
Ambulance Corps
Insurgent Company
Insurgent Company
Native Type
Native Type
USS Concord
USS Concord
Soldiers Quarters
Soldiers Quarters
Freight Train
Freight Train
Filipino Huts
Filipino Huts
Native Ploughing
Native Ploughing
Petty King
Petty King
Igarrote Spearmen
Igarrote Spearmen