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Cristine Varney | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Wildfires and Wild Things tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Wildfires and Wild Things

view from my backyard last October during the wildfires that began October 25, 2003 in the Southern California region
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... where there's smoke there's FIre
... where there's smoke there's FIre
...afternoon at Chatsworth Park
...afternoon at Chatsworth Park
...highway to hell
...highway to hell from above from above
...view from my patio
...view from my patio
tiny plane vs. huge fire
tiny plane vs. huge fire
Where there is smoke, there is....
Where there is smoke, there is....
the fire comes over the mountain..
the fire comes over the mountain..
beautiful and deadly
beautiful and deadly
Brothers in arms.jpg
Brothers in arms.jpg
around the corner (from my house)
around the corner (from my house)
surreal view
surreal view
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