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Christian Bétrisey | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Malaysia tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


Trip in Malaysia starting from Kuala Lumpur, going through Cameron highlands and Penang, then the Sabah state located on the Borneo island. Relaxing on Mataking island.

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Petronas twin towers
Petronas twin towers
Chinese temple
Chinese temple
g1/09/347409/3/116311043.LmE5lC5x.jpg Petronas twin towers
Petronas twin towers
g1/09/347409/3/116311041.k2Fq0K3H.jpg g1/09/347409/3/116311042.DxC3lPHi.jpg g1/09/347409/3/116311044.rs6vj0Ii.jpg g1/09/347409/3/116311040.hFMnopO8.jpg
Mataking Kecil
Mataking Kecil
g1/09/347409/3/116274200.EaHn619I.jpg Mataking
Boh tea plantation
Boh tea plantation
Boh tea plantation
Boh tea plantation
Kinabalu park
Kinabalu park
Hornbill, Kinabatangan river
Hornbill, Kinabatangan river
Chinese temple
Chinese temple
Orang outang, Sepilok
Orang outang, Sepilok
Fisherman, Kinabatangan river
Fisherman, Kinabatangan river
Kipungit waterfall
Kipungit waterfall
Kinabatangan river
Kinabatangan river
Watervillage, Semporna
Watervillage, Semporna
Baby turtle
Baby turtle
Mataking Kecil island
Mataking Kecil island
Macaque monkeys
Macaque monkeys
Mataking island
Mataking island
Proboscis monkey
Proboscis monkey