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Joseph Levy | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> color_infrared_workflow tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
After all the positive feedback I have gotten on my Infrared World Gallery , I have decided to share my work flow for my color infrareds. Much of this workflow is bits and pieces from other workflows I have picked up over time. Note this workflow is intended to be applied to images from Sony DSC-F717/707 and V1 using the nightshot mode and using the Hoya R72 filter. Note this process will work differently depending on what filters you use and the exposer itself. Not everyone will get the same results and some images might need slight adjustments in hue/saturation to get the results you want. I love doing infrareds and seeing them here on Pbase, I hope to spark more interest in Infrared by posting my workflow. Enjoy and good luck.
Step 1
Step 1
Step 2
Step 2
Step 3
Step 3
Step 4
Step 4
Step 5
Step 5
Step 6
Step 6
Step 7
Step 7
Step 8
Step 8
Step 9
Step 9
Final product
Final product
for V1 users
for V1 users
Hoya R 72 Infrared Filter
Hoya R 72 Infrared Filter
B + W  Neutral Density 110
B + W Neutral Density 110
Hoya ND 4 and B + W ND 8
Hoya ND 4 and B + W ND 8
Infrared World
:: Infrared World ::