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Cathryn | profile | all galleries >> Sri Lanka and Malaysia 2011-12 >> 7 Dambulla tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

1 Kuala Lumpur | 2 Penang | 3 Colombo | 4 Kandy | 5 Matale | 6 Sigiriya | 7 Dambulla | 8 Kandalama | 9 Trincomalee | 10 Galle | 11 Matara | Riding the Rails

7 Dambulla

Photos of a couple of days at Dambulla in December 2011.
At Dambulla I stayed at the rest house, an excellent but tiny hotel, which I recommend warmly. After arriving around midday I walked into the town centre for lunch and visited the Buddhist cave temples the following morning. The climb up to the temples is strenuous for someone who is not fit but is far shorter than the climb up Sigiriya rock.
Also worth seeing is Dambulla Museum, not far up the road to your left as you stand facing the Golden Temple in front of the caves.
After two nights at Dambulla I went to nearby Kandalama Hotel.
Dambulla Rest House
Dambulla Rest House
My room at Dambulla Rest House (with mysterious spots on lens)
My room at Dambulla Rest House (with mysterious spots on lens)
My room
My room
My laundry returned, neatly wrapped in newspaper
My laundry returned, neatly wrapped in newspaper
Charming house near rest house
Charming house near rest house
Roadside fruit stall, Dambulla
Roadside fruit stall, Dambulla
Fruit stall, Dambulla
Fruit stall, Dambulla
Girls in tuktuk, Dambulla
Girls in tuktuk, Dambulla
Golden Temple, Dambulla
Golden Temple, Dambulla
Part of the route up to cave temples
Part of the route up to cave temples
Entrance to cave temples
Entrance to cave temples
Reclining Buddha in cave temple
Reclining Buddha in cave temple
Reclining Buddha's feet
Reclining Buddha's feet
Part of mural, cave temple
Part of mural, cave temple
Buddha statue, cave temple
Buddha statue, cave temple
Buddha statue, cave temple
Buddha statue, cave temple
Buddha statue, cave temple
Buddha statue, cave temple
Lily pond in front of cave temple
Lily pond in front of cave temple
Old house near museum
Old house near museum
Wall art in museum
Wall art in museum