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Eric Carrère | all galleries >> Galleries >> Cap au Sud >
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Canon EOS 5D
1s f/8.0 at 14.0mm iso125 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Anthea's Photography01-Jul-2009 14:57
Great image, love the lights. :o)
Guest 14-Dec-2008 03:28
really beautiful shot! well done!
marie-jose wolff13-Dec-2008 19:37
Belle ambiance à Perpinyà la Catalane que se fait presque tropicale...V
Alejandro13-Dec-2008 19:06
Beautiful night shot!. v
Elena13-Dec-2008 17:34
Another beautiful night shot! Amazing effect Eric, well done! BV
Guest 13-Dec-2008 16:55
Beautiful time lapse, Eric. Very well done. V
zyziza13-Dec-2008 16:21
hot, colorful evening, v
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