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carolynne_w | profile | all galleries >> Stateside Trips and Memories >> Corning, New York tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Corning, New York

I grew up in this small city in Western New York.
It is located along the Pennsylvania border, just south of the Finger Lakes.
This city is the home of Corning Glass Works (Pyrex and Corningware) and Steuben Crystal.
My mother still lives here and I visit several times a year.
Winter: My mother's front porch
Winter: My mother's front porch
Older homes in Corning
:: Older homes in Corning ::
Market Street
:: Market Street ::
The Glass Center
:: The Glass Center ::
My Childhood home
My Childhood home
Winter: Christmas wreath
Winter: Christmas wreath
Winter: 260
Winter: 260
New York - Snow squirrel
New York - Snow squirrel
Winter: Hose and Squirrel
Winter: Hose and Squirrel
Winter: Pond in Upstate New York
Winter: Pond in Upstate New York
Winter: The bench
Winter: The bench
Spring: Daffodils
Spring: Daffodils
Spring: Daffodils 2
Spring: Daffodils 2
Spring: flowering trees
Spring: flowering trees
Spring: flowers in grass
Spring: flowers in grass
Spring: Looking downhil
Spring: Looking downhil
Spring: Harris Hill
Spring: Harris Hill
Spring: Corning
Spring: Corning
Spencer Hill
Spencer Hill
This guard cat was on duty
This guard cat was on duty
Elementary: School III
Elementary: School III
Highschool: Corning Free Academy
Highschool: Corning Free Academy