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Carol Muse Skinner | profile | all galleries >> Digital Art of Carol Muse Skinner >> Panama: Casco Viejo tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Panama: Casco Viejo

Casco Viejo is the most colorful part of Panama City. UNESCO declared it a World Heritage Site in 1997. Also known as San Felipe, it is a city within a city.

Very few of the shots are of the much photographed famous landmarks - I wanted to convey the mood of the area an ordinary Sunday morning.

All except for the street vendor the people were pleased to be included in the photographs. Several times I was photographing an empty doorway and someone came out wanting to be included in the picture.

Tourists are always pointing their cameras up at the pretty restored buildings - but San Felipe is still home to many people - not all of the buildings have been sold to the rich and more recently to foreign investors.

If you are interested in the history of the Casco Viejo here are several informative sites:

Click on the thumbnail images for a closer look!
Ngobe Bugle Indian Woman
Ngobe Bugle Indian Woman
Blue Trim
Blue Trim
Sunday Morning Stroll
Sunday Morning Stroll
Hotel Colombia - Plaza Bolivar
Hotel Colombia - Plaza Bolivar
Hangin' Around
Hangin' Around
Asomate Sonia
Asomate Sonia
Park Bench - Sunday Morning
Park Bench - Sunday Morning
Best Friends
Best Friends
Plaza De La Independencia
Plaza De La Independencia
Balconies 1
Balconies 1
Street Scene
Street Scene
Three Friends
Three Friends
Iglesia De La Merced 1
Iglesia De La Merced 1
Iglesia de San Ignacio de la Compañía de Jesús
Iglesia de San Ignacio de la Compañía de Jesús
Sonia En La Ventana
Sonia En La Ventana
Beyond Restoration
Beyond Restoration
Panga Verde
Panga Verde
Presidential Palace - Palacio Las Garzas
Presidential Palace - Palacio Las Garzas
Faded Beauty
Faded Beauty
Door - Hotel Central
Door - Hotel Central
Hotel Central
Hotel Central
Balconies 3
Balconies 3
Balconies 7
Balconies 7
Boy On A Hydrant
Boy On A Hydrant
Catedral Metropolitana 2
Catedral Metropolitana 2
Panama City Skyline From Casco Viejo
Panama City Skyline From Casco Viejo
View Of The Amador Causeway
View Of The Amador Causeway
Balconies 2
Balconies 2
Young Man In A Red Shirt
Young Man In A Red Shirt
After Church
After Church
Bell Tower - San Francisco De Assis
Bell Tower - San Francisco De Assis
Iglesia De La Merced 2
Iglesia De La Merced 2
Turquoise House
Turquoise House
Bell Tower - Metropolitan Cathedral
Bell Tower - Metropolitan Cathedral
Bell Tower - San Felipe Neri
Bell Tower - San Felipe Neri
Yellow Building
Yellow Building
Hotel Colombia 2
Hotel Colombia 2
Sunday Papers
Sunday Papers
Tomás Arias - Fundador De La República
Tomás Arias - Fundador De La República
Casa de la Municipalidad
Casa de la Municipalidad
Yellow Apartment Building
Yellow Apartment Building
A Man And A Cat
A Man And A Cat
Balconies 6
Balconies 6
El Buhonero
El Buhonero
Hotel Colombia 1
Hotel Colombia 1
Three People On A Bench
Three People On A Bench
Catedral Metropolitana 1
Catedral Metropolitana 1
Yellow & Blue Door
Yellow & Blue Door
Ruin And Restoration
Ruin And Restoration
Iglesia De San Jose
Iglesia De San Jose
Blue Door
Blue Door
Iglesia De La Merced 3
Iglesia De La Merced 3
Chillin' Out
Chillin' Out
Steel Beams 2
Steel Beams 2
Statue Of Simón Bolívar
Statue Of Simón Bolívar
La Garza Gris - The Grey Heron
La Garza Gris - The Grey Heron
White Lace Curtain
White Lace Curtain
Corner Balconies - Presidential Palace
Corner Balconies - Presidential Palace
Bell Tower - Iglesia De La Merced
Bell Tower - Iglesia De La Merced
Balconies 8
Balconies 8
Cruzando La Calle
Cruzando La Calle
In The Shade - Plaza Catedral
In The Shade - Plaza Catedral
Balconies - Hotel Central
Balconies - Hotel Central
La Nariz
La Nariz
Steel Beams 3
Steel Beams 3
Fixer Upper 2
Fixer Upper 2
Ten Pelicans
Ten Pelicans
Balconies 5
Balconies 5
San Francisco De Assis
San Francisco De Assis
Panga #PA-970
Panga #PA-970
Selling Watercolors
Selling Watercolors
Cathedral Street Scene
Cathedral Street Scene
Fixer Upper 1
Fixer Upper 1
Doorway - Gutted Building
Doorway - Gutted Building
Teatro Nacional
Teatro Nacional
Door Knocker - San Francisco De Assis
Door Knocker - San Francisco De Assis
Grandfather And Grandson
Grandfather And Grandson
Jugetes - Toys
Jugetes - Toys
Red Bag
Red Bag
Balconies 4
Balconies 4
Steel Beams 1
Steel Beams 1
Two Windows
Two Windows
La Garza Blanca - The White Heron
La Garza Blanca - The White Heron