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Sippican Lands Trust Properties

These galleries are part of an ongoing effort to document all our SLT properties.
They represent my belief that I don't have to leave town to have great photo opportunities.
All of the photos in this gallery were shot in the same town, within an area of less than 15 square miles.
I hope they inspire you to get out, enjoy the land, and take your own photos!
Click on a photo to come in and explore these properties!!
Baldwin C-R
:: Baldwin C-R ::
:: Barnabas ::
Beaton C-R
:: Beaton C-R ::
Benson Brook
:: Benson Brook ::
Brainard Marsh
:: Brainard Marsh ::
Briggs Cove Marsh
:: Briggs Cove Marsh ::
Chace Bog
:: Chace Bog ::
Gallison Woods
:: Gallison Woods ::
Gravel Island
:: Gravel Island ::
Hagemann Woods
:: Hagemann Woods ::
Hood & Covill
:: Hood & Covill ::
Howland Marsh
:: Howland Marsh ::
Kenney's Landing
:: Kenney's Landing ::
Lipsett Preserve
:: Lipsett Preserve ::
Ludes Estuary
:: Ludes Estuary ::
Mahoney C-R
:: Mahoney C-R ::
Moore-Tabor CR
:: Moore-Tabor CR ::
Peirson Woods
:: Peirson Woods ::
Piney Point Land
:: Piney Point Land ::
Radio Tower Property
:: Radio Tower Property ::
Sparrow's Mill
:: Sparrow's Mill ::
Stewarts Island
:: Stewarts Island ::
The Old Railroad Trail
:: The Old Railroad Trail ::
White Eagle
:: White Eagle ::
Williams Wildlife Refuge
:: Williams Wildlife Refuge ::