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Sheryl 18-Apr-2020 13:13
Thanks Bruce for this wonderful site! I come here often to identify the myriad of birds I've been seeing at my new home in Tellico Plains (moved from Colorado 10/19). Your photos make it easy to compare and confirm. Saw a new bird this morning and was able to identify a rose-breasted grosbeak snacking at my feeder on the front deck.
Elaine Ireland 04-Oct-2015 23:03
Dear Bruce,
I have just recently moved to Murfreesboro, Tn,I have been a bird watcher for many years,and many parts of the world and states.I have not seen some of the birds that I have seen latelyfor several years, Most of the birds I have seen here I also saw in Il. and south Carolina, has brought me much pleasure, being from Texas and the area I lived there were not as many. Enjoyed your site,Thanks for all your work. Elaine Ireland
B Scheibert 01-Jun-2014 15:00
I had two rose breasted grosbeak at my feeding station about six weeks ago -- Nashville area.
Rose Schulstadt 28-May-2013 12:21
Bruce, these pics of birds are amazing. Thank you for your galleries here. My husband and I like to bird watch from our deck. It is really amazing to hear the many bird sounds and see them feeding off our feeders in our yard. My mother is a bird watcher too and we all sit on our deck looking at God's wonderful creations and blessings we have. Thank you for such beautiful pictures.
glenda lowe 05-Nov-2012 02:20
thank you for sharing
it is so hard to find good clear pictures. I enjoy using them with music for relaxation.
Ed 04-Oct-2012 20:19
-We live in Knoxville, Tennessee and just this past weekend my wife heard and saw an impressive bird .She was in our backyard and was bending over to begin pulling weeds at that instant she heard what sounded like a bird descending at a high rate of speed. It reminded her of a jet plane flying by and felt a wind gust. She hurriedly turned and stood up and saw a big bird already swiftly flying away about 100 or so yards away. It banked to the left and continues to soar and landed in a tree. The bird coloring was brown or reddish brown with a broad wing span of what we estimate to be about 48” from wing tip to wing tip at a distance of 100 yards. Do you know or think you know the type name of the bird she saw? Ed
Guest 08-Feb-2012 05:07
Thanks, Bruce for your awesome photos!! I MUST go to bed, I have to get up for work tomorrow, but I just can't seem to stop! You have really helped me with my birds, I'm quickly becoming addicted!! (Thinkin bout callin in sick tomorrow, and what better way to re-coop (coop, haha) than sitting at the window destressing with my birds, haha)
Janet Jancso 19-Jun-2011 18:04
Thank you for the birds of Middle Tennessee - I recently relocated here and have spotted several birds that don't live up North - it is nice to identify them! Your pics are beautiful!!
chris 10-Mar-2011 22:16
your photographs are amazing!
John & Barb Smalley 15-Dec-2010 16:20
Thank you for offering all these beautiful photographs. My objective today was to try to identify a certain bird we call the "We Don't Know What It Is" bird. You have shots of the female house finch that appears to be the bird in question.We spent over an hour viewing your galleries,all the photographs are wonderful. Thank you again posting these beautiful photographs. You have made 2 "friends" for life! We have "bookmarked" your site for future viewing. keep up the good work!
Guest 07-Dec-2010 19:29
Nice photography, from E. TN also. Check out my lizard Habitat at home in the Smoky Mountains, private paradise...Lizard Lady
Evelyn Triplett 10-May-2010 14:10
Love your bird pictures. Was wanting to know the name of a bird in my backyard and found it in your beautiful pictures. Thanks so much!!
FRED DORTON 31-Aug-2009 20:04
Stephanie 07-Jul-2009 02:30
Your pictures are beautiful
Phil 30-Apr-2009 00:02
We live here in Jackson Tennessee and this morning we had two birds that we had never seen before except in books....they were both male rose-breasted we were excited
Donald Poteet 03-Feb-2009 19:53
I meant to add: I live in Sparta, Tennessee
Donald Poteet 03-Feb-2009 19:51
You have some great bird photos and that brings me to asking if you can identify a particular bird that is present at this time. It is hanging with the gold finches but I have been watching birds for a long time and I've never seen this particular one. I know what the male and female finches look like and this one is quite different. I wish I knew how to post a picture of it but at this time I do not. The bird has yellow bars on it's wings and when it is in flight it has a lot of yellow underneath it's wings and also across it's tail. I certainly would like to hear your thoughts because I've studied books and everything I can find but have yet to know what this guy is. Thanx in advance and if you could dgive me an address, I'd like to send a picture.
michale morrow 15-Dec-2008 14:41
Mr. Cole you need to tell me were i can go to kill a deer that big caus they dont get that big on the fort jackson
Debra 28-May-2008 21:12
Bruce,Thanks for sharing your pictures!I have the finches at my feeder.Beautiful pictures.
Guest 20-Jan-2008 18:15
very nice work Bruce.
Kathy 18-Jan-2008 01:42
Wow! Every single photgraph: Stunning!
vholmes06-Aug-2007 02:41
I was going to comment on a photo or two, but there are just so many beautiful shots, it would have taken me hours. Your photography is just stunning. Colors, sharpness, composition, lighting, everything. Awesome work. Thank you for sharing your talent.
Vicki Holmes
Guest 08-Mar-2007 13:51
I feel like an amateur when I look at your stuff.
reed 02-Nov-2006 22:30
Texture, depth, humor--good eye.
Bridget 01-Nov-2006 21:31
Hey Bruce The Pics are Awesome can't wait to see more!!
Guest 27-Oct-2006 21:51
bruce very nice i enjoyed your pictures

check on you later
Lyle Palmer 16-Aug-2006 02:10
Hey Bruce - Great Pictures! The Beauty Spot one look nice. Could it be used on the AWA Site. Check out
Stephen Smith 10-Jul-2006 02:40
Hi Bruce
Are you going back to the Virginia Highlands Festival to the Channels this year?
Guest 02-Mar-2006 00:44
Hey Bruce-enjoyed viewing your bird images-well done. I too have a passion for birding and photographing them-every chance I get. When you have some time take a look at my galleries at:
Harris Brown
bigbuck 09-Dec-2005 14:44
keep posting more bruce..these are great deer!!!!
Muskrat's Photos08-Dec-2005 01:54
Nice Stuff! You have some awesome deer in your area! I enjoyed looking!!!
Marc Vermeulen06-Oct-2005 23:13
You show here beautiful work!