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November 16, 2004

The insides of my PC purchased in May. I just swapped out the DVD-ROM drive for a DVD burner, a Plextor 712A. Here I'm trying to figure out how to add my old hard drive. I had to do some rearranging of the positions of the drives to get the cables to connect right. And it works. Now I have about 17Gb of space on drive D and I just burned a DVD full of 4.5Gb of tiffs and deleted them from the C drive. Plus the D drive is now my PS scratch disk.

Nikon D70 ,Sigma 18-50mm f/2.8 EX DC
1/500s f/4.0 at 18.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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David Mingay17-Nov-2004 21:51
Just make sure you keep the negs just in case the DVD goes bad... ;-)
jypsee17-Nov-2004 18:19
I love computer guts!! and tech-ey stuff. I just hook up an external drive when I need more than big concern is having the right hardware to read the stuff in the future re whatever format we choose to use as an archival system.
Guest 17-Nov-2004 16:42
What the heck is that, a 128Mb video card? Nice. :-)
Guest 17-Nov-2004 16:41
I can spot a Dell a mile away. Yes, you have to play with the way the drive is positioned sometime to make the IDE connect.
Guest 17-Nov-2004 13:53
ooh... cool... so that's what it looks like on the inside. :)
Lou Giroud17-Nov-2004 08:39
Aaahh, Mark, you show us the inner life "open" of a Dell machine. I was allways surprised to see how Dell builds the cases. A clean but not allways simple design.
Guest 17-Nov-2004 05:36
Backups are good, but don't forget about digital assets managing. Check out for all your needs.
Guest 17-Nov-2004 05:00
Guest 17-Nov-2004 04:31
nicely designed case... I've just given up on my desktop because accessing and reconfiguring its innards is such a pain. It just sits with no side and the drives draping out. So far it's run swimmingly for over a year, and drive swaps are quick.
Robin Reid17-Nov-2004 04:18
CSI: DC. See the computer guts spilled out onto Pbase. Read about the great diagnostician and Computer Science Investigator Mark and how he has solved the problems. Don't be squeamish. Look inside. Enjoy watching the electrons jumping through the ions for eons. Skip TV. Watch Doctor Mark the CSI Master. LOL.