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Geoff Delderfield Photography | all galleries >> Galleries >> Favourites > Swan attack copy.jpg
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Swan attack copy.jpg

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Stacy Jon Peterson25-Apr-2007 07:10
This is quite unlike any other photo I've seen! Very nice. Voted.
Guest 05-Dec-2006 16:28
Great timing and post prod work Geoff.
Carlitox 02-Aug-2006 01:22
incredible image
how you did it ?
I also have a cannon....but I don't how to obtain that

please answer me to:
Carole Stevens29-Jul-2006 18:34
Stunning which lense did you use its fantastic?
Christina Craft18-Jan-2005 22:09
Holy cow! This is incredible!
Guest 16-Jun-2004 21:17
This is a great shot - scary though
Carmen16-Jun-2004 18:48
This is great. Very glad you weren't hurt; I've heard their wings can really pack a punch. I've evaded bees before, but never anything that could knock me over.